Big List of Adjectives That Start With Z (Positive, Negative, Descriptive) | GrammarBrain (2024)

Looking for adjectives that start with “Z”? The Cambridge dictionary defines an adjective as “a word that describes a noun or pronoun.” It modifies the noun in a way that denotes a quality or quantity of the noun.

Z is one of the rarely used letters in the English alphabet. It is even harder to find adjectives starting with Z. But rare though they may be, adjectives starting with Z generate ooze style and are fun to use.

Big List of Adjectives That Start With Z (Positive, Negative, Descriptive) | GrammarBrain (1)

List of adjectives that start with Z

  • Zooscopic
  • Zygotal
  • Zoogoing
  • Zoosporic
  • Zooted
  • Zoomer
  • Zippable
  • Ziplike
  • Zoistic
  • Zippo
  • Zygomorphic
  • Zoologic
  • Zooplanktonic
  • Zipcoded
  • Zoogenic
  • Zeugmatic
  • Zygapophyseal
  • Zeolitic
  • Zygonic
  • Zghartan
  • Zoonomic
  • Zirconic
  • Zooid
  • Zhejiangese
  • Zenith
  • Zeitgeisty
  • Zorkian
  • Zygomaticotemporal
  • Zero-rated
  • Zinciferous
  • Zen
  • Zirconated
  • Zizzy
  • Zoisitic
  • Znanieckian
  • Zooty
  • Zoogloeoid
  • Zygomaticoauricular
  • Zweckrational
  • Zoosporicidal
  • Zeugopodial
  • Zennish
  • Zoötic
  • Zoogloeic
  • Zoomaric
  • Zonifugal
  • Zoopagaceous
  • Zygomaticofrontal
  • Zombied
  • Zygomaticofacial
  • Zatfig
  • Zoarial
  • Zygodont
  • Zooparasitic
  • Ziphioid
  • Zeotypic
  • Zolian
  • Zabian
  • Zoning
  • Zoomy
  • Zuni
  • Zoidogamic
  • Zoogeographical
  • Zwitterionic
  • Zygogenetic
  • Zygosporic
  • Zosterophyllaceous
  • Zir
  • Zoilean
  • Zoöglœic
  • Zonular
  • Zitty
  • Zuñi
  • Zootoxic
  • Zygomaticomalar
  • Zapodid
  • Zoomed-out
  • Zidanesque
  • Zoanthoid
  • Zymotic
  • Ziptop
  • Zoochotic
  • Zoanthropic
  • Zorched
  • Zoomorphic
  • Zymologic
  • Zooplastic
  • Zipperless
  • Zygomorphous
  • Zeophagous
  • Zoosanitary
  • Ziofascist
  • Zoochorous
  • Zealotical
  • Zinziberaceous
  • Zosteriform
  • Zoötrophic
  • Zosteraceous
  • Zincous
  • Zeldaesque
  • Zootomic
  • Zoomedical
  • Zowerswopped
  • Zoophobic
  • Zymontic
  • Zygomaticoalveolar
  • Zoiatric
  • Zoochoric
  • Zymotechnical
  • Zinconic
  • Zymurgic
  • Zolaesque
  • Zincographical
  • Zygodactyl
  • Zonohedral
  • Zealed
  • Zoolithic
  • Zoetropic
  • Zeno
  • Zibeline
  • Zebraic
  • Zoaeal
  • Zoophytic
  • Zootoxicological
  • Zillionth
  • Zhlubby
  • Zymographic
  • Zestful
  • Zenoist
  • Zincic
  • Zeroless
  • Zig-zag
  • Zionazi
  • Zygopleural
  • Zygoid
  • Zebralike
  • Zionistic
  • Zoopathic
  • Zymurgical
  • Zoophysiological
  • Zooplanktivorous
  • Zolaistic
  • Zygaenine
  • Zebrine
  • Zoosemiotic
  • Zigzag
  • Zombiesque
  • Zoographic
  • Zip-front
  • Zoecial
  • Zomboid
  • Zoogeographic
  • Zero
  • Zoledronic
  • Zoophytological
  • Zygosporangial
  • Zinkiferous
  • Zazzy
  • Zymosthenic
  • Zeotropic
  • Zhoosh
  • Zippered
  • Zenlike
  • Zymoplastic
  • Zoophagic
  • Zany
  • Zenonian
  • Zincky
  • Zoarcoid
  • Zerovalent
  • Ziggety
  • Zygospondylous
  • Zirconiferous
  • Zonking
  • Zealous
  • Zygoapophyseal
  • Zygomycotic
  • Zoophytoid
  • Zygomaticosphenoid
  • Zygapophysial
  • Zoneless
  • Zygodactylic
  • Zenzic
  • Zombyish
  • Zincless
  • Zenonist
  • Zincy
  • Zonotreme
  • Zebuine
  • Zoonal
  • Zonian
  • Zippy
  • Zootechnical
  • Zootomical
  • Zoocephalic
  • Zinelike
  • Zero-marking
  • Zoomable
  • Zetetic
  • Zephyrlike
  • Zero
  • day
  • Zunian
  • Zooeal
  • Zootheistic
  • Zuinglian
  • Zootypic
  • Zoographical
  • Zephyred
  • Zoosemantic
  • Zapping
  • Zymological
  • Zootechnic
  • Zoodermic
  • Zoned
  • Zygnemataceous
  • Zingiberaceous
  • Zebroid
  • Zonographic
  • Zealess
  • Zucchinilike
  • Zombified
  • Zirconian
  • Zootherapeutic
  • Zealless
  • Zootic
  • Zoogleal
  • Zymolytic
  • Zonal
  • Zoological
  • Zygotic
  • Zeuzerine
  • Zouk-like
  • Zoopy
  • Zionistical
  • Zigzaggy
  • Zoolitic
  • Zosteroid
  • Zinckiferous
  • Zenographic
  • Zenithal
  • Zerolike
  • Zero-point
  • Zoonitic
  • Zoögeographical
  • Ziggy
  • Zionist
  • Zygobranchiate
  • Zoic
  • Zincian
  • Zetetick
  • Zoftig
  • Zonate
  • Zincoid
  • Zoometric
  • Zoochemical
  • Zeroeth
  • Zoogleic
  • Zonzte
  • Zero-grazed
  • Zoantharian
  • Zipless
  • Ziphodont
  • Zotzed
  • Zymic
  • Zoomantic
  • Zoömorphic
  • Zoeal
  • Zhing-zhong
  • Zoopathological
  • Zoroastrian
  • Zymocidal
  • Zoonic
  • Zygocardiac
  • Zootrophic
  • Zooptic
  • Zoonotic
  • Zuist
  • Zooish
  • Zonogonal
  • Zoophytal
  • Zero-knowledge
  • Zoomed-in
  • Zipfian
  • Zoquean
  • Zoophagous
  • Zoogamous
  • Zoosexual
  • Zeroadic
  • Zygal
  • Zoospermic
  • Zygomaxillary
  • Zinky
  • Zonipetal
  • Zygomycetous
  • Zonky
  • Zoophoric
  • Zonary
  • Zygenid
  • Zero-sum
  • Ziphiid
  • Zeolitiform
  • Zoogeological
  • Zephyrless
  • Zeroth
  • Zygomatic
  • Zoner
  • Zimbabwean
  • Zealful
  • Zombielike
  • Zonotopal
  • Zero-dimensional
  • Zambian
  • Zodiacal
  • Zoocentric
  • Zooey
  • Zincographic
  • Zygoneurous
  • Zoukified
  • Zymoid
  • Zhdanovist
  • Zizekian
  • Zero-zero
  • Zygodactyle
  • Zulu
  • Zoomusicological
  • Zygomaticomaxillary
  • Zesty
  • Zymogenous
  • Zoocidal
  • Zymotechnic
  • Zillion
  • Zingy
  • Zoppo
  • Zitless
  • Zogist
  • Zygomasseteric
  • Zoomagnetic
  • Zetlandic
  • Zoolatrous
  • Zip-up
  • Zephyrous
  • Zoogonous
  • Zygosynapophyseal
  • Zooxanthellate
  • Zwinglian
  • Zonated
  • Zygophyllaceous
  • Zymogenic
  • Zaydi
  • Zoophilic
  • Zygose
  • Zitherlike
  • Zonotopic
  • Zanzibari
  • Zappy
  • Zooidal
  • Zygodactylous
  • Zanyish
  • Zoosporous
  • Zate
  • Zuckerbergian
  • Zerzanian
  • Ziplocked
  • Zero-day
  • Zenonic
  • Zoophytical
  • Zealotic
  • Zenophobic
  • Zoosporangial
  • Zoogenous
  • Zoobenthic
  • Zipperlike
  • Zoetic
  • Zoophilous
  • Zeroary
  • Zejelesque
  • Zoolike
  • Zooecial
  • Zoogloeal
  • Zeroable
  • Zonked
  • Zombic
  • Zenithward
  • Zoopsychological
  • Zephyry
  • Zestless
  • Zancudo
  • Zarzaleño
  • Zalamería
  • Zapata
  • Zaragozano
  • Zapatero
  • Zarapito
  • Zeugmático
  • Zorruno
  • Zimógeno
  • Zonzo
  • Zacatecas
  • Zabulón
  • Zarzoso
  • Zaireño
  • Zamorano
  • Zaragocí
  • Zanjar
  • Zambullir
  • Zaherir
  • Zabordar
  • Zoófilo
  • Zapatilla
  • Zafacón
  • Zancadilla
  • Zapping
  • Zaino
  • Zacate
  • Zancudo
  • Zonal
  • Zoulou
  • Zostérien
  • Zeitz
  • Zoophile
  • Zélé
  • Zinzin
  • Zinzolin
  • Zincique
  • Zarbi
  • Zayed
  • Zalău
  • Zoophore
  • Zhong
  • Zandt
  • Zincifère
Big List of Adjectives That Start With Z (Positive, Negative, Descriptive) | GrammarBrain (2)

Descriptive adjectives that start with Z

  • Zealous
  • Zestful
  • Zoned
  • Zoological
  • Zealless
  • Zoogeographical
  • Zany
  • Zinconic
  • Zippy
  • Zesty
  • Zabian
  • Zigzag
  • Zionist
  • Zodiacal
  • Zero
  • Zoneless
  • Zygomorphic
  • Zillionth
  • Zymontic
  • Zoning
  • Zonal
  • Zazzy
  • Zygomatic
  • Zonked
  • Zatfig
  • Zillion
  • Zonary
  • Zimbabwean
  • Zen
  • Zappy
  • Zeolitic
  • Zingy
  • Zealed
  • Zipless
  • Zapping
  • Zooey
  • Zero-dimensional
  • Zambian
  • Zealful
  • Zombielike
  • Zoömorphic
  • Zoic
  • Ziggy
  • Zionist
  • Zootechnic
  • Zoodermic
  • Zootheistic
  • Zebuine
  • Zoneless
  • Zygodactylic
  • Zerovalent
  • Ziggety
  • Zeotropic
  • Zazzy
  • Zoecial
  • Zomboid
  • Zionazi
  • Zibeline
  • Zebraic
  • Zoophobic
  • Zymontic
  • Zeophagous
  • Zoosanitary
  • Zymotic
  • Zidanesque
  • Zuñi
  • Zootoxic
  • Zuni
  • Zoomy
  • Zolian
  • Zonifugal
  • Zennish
  • Zygotal

Positive adjectives that start with Z

  • Zoetic
  • Zippy
  • Zillion
  • Zen
  • Zestful
  • Zealous
  • Zesty
  • Zingy
  • Zazzy
  • Zany
  • Zambian
  • Zimbabwean
  • Zaftig
  • Zealed
  • Zooty

Negative adjectives that start with Z

  • Zero
  • Zonked
  • Zealess
  • Zombie
  • Zealot
  • Zaps
  • Zombielike
  • Zoolike
  • Zigzag

Adjectives that start with Z to describe a person

  • Zazzy
  • Zygotal
  • Zeolitic
  • Zany
  • Zebuine
  • Zionazi
  • Zonifugal
  • Zillionth
  • Zoömorphic
  • Zealless
  • Ziggety
  • Zillion
  • Zoosanitary
  • Zonked
  • Zootheistic
  • Zolian
  • Zionist
  • Zonal
  • Zinconic
  • Zoodermic
  • Zingy
  • Zoophobic
  • Zeotropic
  • Zippy
  • Zigzag
  • Zoneless
  • Zuni
  • Zealful
  • Zootoxic
  • Zestful
  • Zoning
  • Zooey
  • Zero
  • Zibeline
  • Zootechnic
  • Zen
  • Zoogeographical
  • Zambian
  • Zazzy
  • Zebraic
  • Zodiacal
  • Zerovalent
  • Zappy
  • Zapping
  • Zymontic
  • Zoological
  • Zygodactylic
  • Zero-dimensional
  • Zatfig
  • Zygomatic
  • Zygomorphic
  • Zionist
  • Zidanesque
  • Zeophagous
  • Zabian
  • Zesty
  • Zomboid
  • Zoecial
  • Ziggy
  • Zuñi
  • Zealed
  • Zoomy
  • Zoneless
  • Zealous
  • Zoned
  • Zonary
  • Zymontic
  • Zombielike
  • Zennish
  • Zoic
  • Zipless
  • Zymotic
  • Zimbabwean

Example sentences using adjectives that start with “Z”

Zero: Although he was thought of an an absolute Zero by everyone, he was silently plotting his success.

Zymotic: Native Indians were completely and utterly intolerant to European zymotic germs, and this was the prime reason behind their hasty dissapearance.

Zesty: The strange fruit wass zesty in flavor, despite its rather bland appearance, and so the team head quickly approved its consumption.

Zoological: The cause of the infection seems to be botanical at this point, though a zoological origin can not be ruled out completely.

Zonal: All the zonal heads were huddled together in that dingy room, racking their brains over the sudden entrance of this terror from the south.

Zigzag: In times of plenty, it is easier to keep a straight line of thinking. It is when food is scarce that the polar bear started to develop a zigzag pattern of thought and behavior.

Zodiacal: The appearance of those zodiacal stars even before twilight was an indication that we had reached the lake of the undying sun.

Zoic: The continued romance associated with zoic materials well into the 21st century indicates human inability to defeat his primordial instincts, rendering the modern man an urban myth.

Zappy: Elyssa’s zappy charm was too much to handle for her friends, who waited for every small opportunity to put her down.

Zippy: That car was a zippy machine, and Robert had a hard time getting old Martha to ride with him to the edge of the town, much less another state.

Zany: Behind the smokescreen of his stupid antics and rather zany humour, Shaun had a shrewd intellect and a cut-throat instinct which she had no idea about.

Zingy: That zingy outfit was the only thing that could have put Susan into trouble with the interview board, which it eventually did.

Zionist: Benjamin was unconcerned with whatever his friends and parents wanted for him, he was single-mindedly working towards his Zionist vision of society.

Zonked: Even when he was completely zonked at the afterparty, he could still track the movements of the two spies, and he could tell that their grand plan was about to start.

Zaftig: Kate never thought that being zaftig could help or harm her, she just knew what she wanted and believed everyone was trying to be helpful.

Zestful: Being zestful is a choice and not a permanent character trait. You can simply change your way of looking at things, and life will open new doors for you that you never knew existed.

Zealous: That entire June, those zealous laborers worked their hands off and finished the construction of the cemetery.

Zen: Her zen energy rubs off on her subordinates, and makes Indira one of the most charismatic business leaders the technology industry has ever seen.

Zeroth: Zeroth law of Electrodynamics was a fiction. For decades, they tried to invent a zeroth law quite like Thermodynamics, but electricity fundamentals do not leave any room for a basic law.

Zoophagous: The zoophagous plants were another dread lurking in those forests, and both me and my dog had to tread with caution even during the day.

Zinciferous: While these seams are zinciferous no doubt, but the viability of extraction of Zinc remains unclear in the absence of prior baseline data.

Zoetic: Richard’s lectures tend to be more zoetic than subject related. You will learn everything you need to live a meaningful life in his class, except may be the subject itself.

Zoogenic: When the pollution is zoogenic rather than anthropogenic, it becomes harder to control it, because all the animal welfare laws stop serving their purpose.

Zenithal: That zenithal glow kept the group walking for hours on end, but it never got any closer. Until three days later when it actually started to get bigger and closer.

Zazzy: “Those zazzy shoes do not suit a man of your standing,” the clerk said with trepidation in his voice, “You would be better off wearing something plain.”


Adjectives starting with Z usually shine out in a sentence, both in their pronunciation and their meaning. Though adjectives starting with Z are rare, but like all things rare, they are delightful and fun to work with.

Adjectives that start with “Z” (images)

Big List of Adjectives That Start With Z (Positive, Negative, Descriptive) | GrammarBrain (3)
Big List of Adjectives That Start With Z (Positive, Negative, Descriptive) | GrammarBrain (4)

Other adjective lists

Other lists of adjectives:

  • Adjectives that start with A
  • Adjectives that start with B
  • Adjectives that start with C
  • Adjectives that start with D
  • Adjectives that start with E
  • Adjectives that start with F
  • Adjectives that start with G
  • Adjectives that start with H
  • Adjectives that start with I
  • Adjectives that start with J
  • Adjectives that start with K
  • Adjectives that start with L
  • Adjectives that start with M
  • Adjectives that start with N
  • Adjectives that start with O
  • Adjectives that start with P
  • Adjectives that start with Q
  • Adjectives that start with R
  • Adjectives that start with S
  • Adjectives that start with T
  • Adjectives that start with U
  • Adjectives that start with V
  • Adjectives that start with W
  • Adjectives that start with X
  • Adjectives that start with Y
  • Adjectives that start with Z

Inside this article

Big List of Adjectives That Start With Z (Positive, Negative, Descriptive) | GrammarBrain (2024)


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Author: Lidia Grady

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Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.