Canelo vs. Ryder Results: Live updates of the undercard and main event (2024)

MMA Fighting has Canelo vs. Ryder results live for the Canelo Alvarez vs. John Ryder fight card at the Estadio Akron in Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico on Saturday night.

When the main event begins around 11 p.m. ET, check out our Canelo vs. Ryder live round-by-round updates for our live blog of the main event. Canelo Alvarez will be defending his undisputed super middleweight title against John Ryder, who has won four straight fights.

Check out the Canelo vs. Ryder undercard live blog below:

Main event

Canelo Alvarez def. John Ryder via unanimous decision (live blog) | Highlights

The Canelo vs. Ryder undercard starts now.

Oleksandr Gvozdyk vs. Ricards Bolotniks

Round 1: They meet at center, Gvozdyk probing with his jab first. Bolotniks haveing some trouble finding the range, Gvozdyk just firing freely. Bolotniks goes head-body, but Gvozdyk hits him with a counter. That jab of Gvozdyk is working. Glancing right by Bolotniks. Gvozdyk advances and Bolotniks pops him with a jab. Gvozdyk with a right to the body. Bolotniks starting to work his jab now. Gvozdyk with sharp defense.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9, Gvozdyk.

Round 2: Bolotniks walks Gvozdyk to the corner, but Gvozdyk easily maneuvers his way out. Good jab by Bolotniks. He goes to the body. Nice uppercut inside by Gvozdyk. Bolotniks lets his hands go, but Gvozdyk counters with good head movement. Gvozdyk wins an exchange with a straight right. Both guys busy, but not throwing hard. Bolotniks to the body. Gvozdyk slips in a left hand around the defense.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9, Gvozdyk. Overall, 20-18 Gvozdyk.

Round 3: Gvozdyk makes Bolotniks miss and connects with a right. Bolotniks staying busy and having some success to the body, but Gvozdyk keeps beating him to the punch. Gvozdyk tags Bolotniks with a straight right. Bolotniks answers with a good body shot. There’s a left from Bolotniks. Double jab by Gvozdyk. Quick uppercut by Gvozdyk. Bolotniks back to the body. He tests Gvozdyk’s defense as he backs him into the corner. Bolotniks with a quick combo to the body. Jab up top and then he connects with a right on Gvozdyk’s head.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9, Bolotniks. Overall, 29-28 Gvozdyk.

Round 4: Gvozdyk opens the round with a good uppercut. Bolotniks fires off a left hook. Jab connects Bolotniks, Gvozdyk looks like he wants an opening to counter. Bolotniks catches him with another left hook. Bolotniks with a couple of hooks as Gvozdyk shells up. Gvozdyk still moving and countering well but he’s not following up on his jab with much. Bolotniks jabs the body. Crisp right by Gvozdyk connects. Bolotniks fires to the body. Gvozdyk showing fast hands as Bolotniks tries to walk him down. Glancing left scores for Gvozdyk.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9, Gvozdyk. Overall, 39-37 Gvozdyk.

Round 5: Gvozdyk rifles off a combo to the body. Quick right lands for Bolotniks. Gvozdyk just pecking away with his jab. Counter right is good for Gvozdyk. Bolotniks connects with a right. Gvozdyk pops Bolotniks with a jab. Bolotniks gets him right back. Bolotniks tags him with a couple of hooks. They trade jabs. Blotniks fires off a combo.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9, Bolotniks. Overall, 48-47 Gvozdyk.

Round 6: Bolotniks with a left hand and a solid rip to the body. Gvozdyk answers with an uppercut. Both guys finally showing more aggression. Gvozdyk sticking with the jab to settle things down. Body shot from Gvozdyk stifles a Bolotniks attack. Left hand from Gvozdyk bangs off the front of Bolotniks’ forehead. Gvozdyk getting loose and he’s landing power shots. Mouthpiece out for Bolotniks. Gvozdyk pushing the pace and Bolotniks has to take a knee. Nasty cut over Bolotniks’ left eye. Referee waves this one off, either because of the cut or because Bolotniks looking shaky as he tried to stand.

Official result: Oleksandr Gvozdyk def. Ricards Bolotniks via TKO (R6, 1:53)

Nathan Devon Rodriguez vs. Alexander Mejia

Round 1: Rodriguez out quickly with his jab, but Mejia catches him with a couple of good counters. You can see Rodriguez wants to control the pace early while Mejia is a little wild. Rodriguez clips Mejia with a right hand. Rodriguez establishing that jab now. Mejia headhunting without much luck. Rodriguez caps off a combo with a straight right to the body. He’s got a noticeable speed advantage. Mejia throws some hard shots against Rodriguez’s gloves as the first round comes to a close.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9, Rodriguez.

Round 2: Mejia not coming close with his uppercut, Rodriguez’s jab keeping him at bay. Mejia the advancing fighter, but Rodriguez avoiding any significant damage. He cracks Mejia with a jab. Mejia changes tact and starts attacking the body. It’s working better, but Rodriguez still looks mostly unbothered. There’s a 1-2 combo for Rodriguez. Mejia back to the body. Counter uppercut hits for Rodriguez.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9, Mejia. Overall, 19-19.

Round 3: Mejia just bullies Rodriguez to the ropes and pummels the body. Rodriguez responds with body shots of his own. Counter left connects for Rodriguez. Mejia having trouble with that counter as he tries to attack. Lots of pressure from Mejia in this round. He walks right into a Rodriguez jab. More rips to the body from Mejia. Rodriguez scores with a left hook. There’s a left inside by Mejia. Sharp counter left lands for Rodriguez as Mejia ducks in. Clean right for Rodriguez. Mejia is playing with fire here with his aggression. Rodriguez tags the body. Good jab by Rodriguez and a hard body shot as well.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9, Rodriguez. Overall, 29-28 Rodriguez.

Round 4: Rodriguez with a quick combo to start the fourth. He lands a counter as Mejia hits his body. They trade right hands and Mejia gets the worst of it. Rodriguez timing his body shots beautifully. Rodriguez goes inside and hits a body shot and an uppercut. Mejia corners Rodriguez, both fighters have a moment but avoid serious damage. Rodriguez jabs an advancing Mejia. Mejia just a little too wild with some of these power punches, hard to see how effective they are. Rodriguez lands an uppercut.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9, Rodriguez. Overall, 39-37 Rodriguez.

Round 5: Rodriguez doing his best to keep this a clean boxing battle as Mejia tries to muddy the action up. He’s testing the younger Rodriguez’s composure here. Mejia continues to chase Rodriguez with body shots. Jab-jab-body shot combo for Rodriguez. Mejia corners Rodriguez and he’s scoring to the body. Rodriguez focusing on defense, but he’s letting Mejia punch away. Rodriguez catches him with a body shot before the bell.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9, Mejia. Overall, 48-47 Rodriguez.

Round 6: Counter left for Rodriguez. Mejia gets him with a left. He looks loose in there. Rodriguez rips Mejia across the body. Mejia going to the body over and over again, Rodriguez makes him pay with a counter left. Mejia to the body, Rodriguez backs him up with a quick 1-2. Good left from Rodriguez as Mejia swings and misses. Mejia walks Rodriguez to the ropes and Rodriguez hits him with a right for his troubles. Triple jab from Rodriguez. Rodriguez jabs Mejia as he circles away.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9, Rodriguez. Overall, 58-56 Rodriguez.

Round 7: Rodriguez beating Mejia to the punch in Round 7. He’s finding the timing. Now it’s Rodriguez with the volume advantage and Mejia searching for that one good shot. Left to the body by Rodriguez beats out a Mejia flurry. Rodriguez hits a counter left that gets Mejia’s attention. Mejia’s accuracy just isn’t there in this round. They exchange and Rodriguez has the slight edge.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9, Rodriguez. Overall, 68-65 Rodriguez.

Round 8: Rodriguez again opens a round with a good combo. Mejia wins a jab exchange. Rodriguez sticking and moving now. Mejia not throwing much through the first half of Round 8. Right hand scores for Rodriguez. Rodriguez just circling and timing counters. Mejia back to the body. He gets caught with a short left coming in.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9, Rodriguez. Overall, 78-74 Rodriguez.

Round 9: Rodriguez landing some cleaner shots this round and Mejia has to be careful with how he approaches. Rodriguez really wants to land that uppercut. Mejia pops Rodriguez with a quick left. Nice counter left by Rodriguez. He’s standing in front of Mejia looking for an opening to land a counter. Rodriguez with a hard jab. Neither fighter having much success with follow-up shots here.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9, Rodriguez. Overall, 88-83 Rodriguez.

Round 10: Rodriguez opens up with an excellent combination. Would love to see more of that throughout the round. Lots of head movement from Rodriguez. Uppercut down the middle by Rodriguez. Mejia to the body, but Rodriguez lands the uppercut. And another one. Mejia struggling to get inside. Rodriguez styling, but it would be nice to see him go for the kill. Mejia lets his hands go with 30 seconds remaining, Rodriguez remaining evasive.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9, Rodriguez. Overall, 98-92 Rodriguez.

Official result: Nathan Devon Rodriguez def. Alexander Mejia via majority decision (95-95, 96-93, 96-94)

Gabriel Gollaz Valenzuela vs. Stevie Spark

Round 1: Both guys coming out tentatively, but throwing fast when they do as they work to establish range. Gollaz sneaks in a straight right. He’s a little off-balance as Spark opens up with a combination. Spark with some body work. They trade jabs, Sparks follows up with a right. He’s the aggressor in Round 1. Hard body shot by Gollaz. Sparks flurrying to close the round and he definitely landed a couple of left hands in there.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9, Spark.

Round 2: Spark driving that left hand in, he wants to land a big shot early. Gollaz answers with a good combo. Gollaz’s jab is giving Spark problems. Left hand scores for Spark. Both fighters still keeping their distance,s howing a lot of respect for each other’s power. Gollaz opens Spark up with a body shot then lands a punch up top. Left uppercut by Spark. Gollaz jabs the body, then the head.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9, Gollaz. Overall, 19-19.

Round 3: Gollaz in a good rhythm, Spark having difficulty tracking him down. Or he was before blasting Gollaz with a couple of strong left hooks that force Gollaz to retreat. Gollaz eats a clean jab. And now it’s Spark taking a jab right to the face, then walking into a counter left hook. Gollaz with a right hand to control the distance, but Spark isn’t deterred. He keeps coming forward and throwing wild punches. Some of that is getting through though and Gollaz has to fire back as the round comes to a close.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9, Spark. Overall, 29-28 Spark.

Round 4: Plenty of punches from Spark, Gollaz doing his best to defend as he circles away from Spark’s left. Good jab by Gollaz. A left hand gets through for Spark, Gollaz answers with a three-punch combo. Two quick uppercuts inside by Spark. Sneaky left hand by Gollaz. Spark attacks the body. Wild exchange as neither fighter can land their power shots. Gollaz hits the body hard and follows with an uppercut. There’s a solid left from Gollaz.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9, Gollaz. Overall, 38-38.

Round 5: Gollaz looking to carry the momentum from Round 4. Spark on the back foot as Gollaz lets his hands go. There’s a left from Spark to slow Gollaz down. Spark comes forward with punches and Gollaz answers with a body shot. Spark really unloading, but Gollaz is keeping a tight defense as he weathers the storm. Gollaz with an uppercut to the body, then the head. Another good combo scores for Gollaz. Spark lands a right and Gollaz hits him with an uppercut. Spark still advancing and they’re trading punches. Spark to the body. Right hand for Spark. Spark wants a knockout, he is firing at a furious pace. Another right hand scores from long distance for Spark. Fun fight so far.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9, Spark. Overall, 48-47 Spark.

Round 6: Spark really just throwing power punches with only a slight setup. Spark to the body. Two good head shots land for Spark. Nice uppercut inside by Gollaz. Gollaz rips the body. Now it’s Gollaz opening up and he has Spark on the ropes as he lays in punches. The body work is too much and Spark takes a knee. He answers the count with a minute left in Round 6. Gollaz staying aggressive with straight punches up top. Uppercut-body shot scores for Gollaz. Spark hits the body but he’s just being out-punched. Gollaz hurts him to the body and they end the round swinging.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-8, Gollaz. Overall, 57-56 Gollaz.

Round 7: Both fighters just right to the center of the ring so they can get back to brawling. It’s Sparks coming forward first and he’s connecting with straight punches. A big right gets through Gollaz’s guard. Gollaz against the ropes, it’s unclear if he’s tired or trying to lure Spark into a trap. They separate and Gollaz wakes up with a punch to Spark’s body. Spark on the defensive now as Gollaz lets go with a combo. Spark hurts Gollaz with a left hook to the temple. Punches in bunches for Spark, but he eats a Gollaz counter. Right uppercut by Gollaz. Lunging right by Gollaz, Spark counters with a body blow.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9, Spark. Overall, 66-66.

Round 8: A bit of a slower start to this round, relatively speaking. Both fighters quick to get in the pocket and throw. Gollaz cracks Spark’s body. Spark biding his time. Uppercut inside by Gollaz, and then an uppercut inside by Spark. Spark just throwing his right with no setup, so Gollaz makes him pay with a counter right. Let’s see if Spark opens up in the last 30 seconds. There it is, Spark to the body and then a huge right hand. Did he do enough to steal the round?

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9, Gollaz. Overall, 76-75 Gollaz.

Round 9: Spark setting the tone early. Gollaz with some strong counters, but he’s not getting out of the way of Spark’s power shots at all. Snapping left hook by Gollaz, counter left hook by Spark. Counter right by Gollaz and Spark just walks through it. Gollaz circling and jabbing. Spark hits a right hand and follows with body shots. Spark with a couple of rips to the body. Right hand scores for Spark.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9, Spark. Overall, 85-85.

Round 10: Sparks just assaulting the body early. Gollaz gets out of the way of a couple of head shots. More body work from Sparks. Gollaz wants to time that counter uppercut. He goes to the body and then clips Spark with a right hand. Another good body shot lands for Gollaz. Glancing uppercut by Spark. Gollaz scores with a couple of head punches. Gollaz just slightly more accurate with his range striking in this round. Good exchange for both fighters before the final bell. Scorecards should be interesting.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9, Gollaz. Overall, 95-94 Gollaz.

Official result: Gabriel Gollaz Valenzuela def. Stevie Spark via split decision (96-93, 94-95, 95-94)

Julio Cesar Martinez vs. Ronal Batista

Round 1: Batista opens with a body shot. He’s looking to circle and poke at Martinez. Martinez absorbing some body shots as he holds the center of the ring. He just misses with a right hand head shot. Batista goes to the body. Counter uppercut has Batista retreating. He rips Martinez’s body. Batista now looking to establish his jab. Batista content to jab the body. He doubles up on the jab as Martinez catches him to the body. Strong first round for the challenger.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9, Batista.

Round 2: Martinez wants to walk Batsita down now, but he’s still not landing much. Batista is outpointing him with body shots. Left hook scores for Martinez. Jabs up top from Batista. Not much hard landing for the challenger, but Martinez isn’t issuing much of a response. Batista moving in and out well. There’s a 1-2 for Martinez. Martinez throws out a fast jab, but he isn’t following up. He ends the round with a flurry, they both land after the bell.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9, Batista. Overall, 20-18 Batista.

Round 3: Martinez with a sharp left on an off-balance Batista. Batista still jabbing the body. Quick jab by Batista gets through. Martinez gets aggressive and lands a 1-2 combo. Martinez with a good jab. Body shot by Martinez. Short uppercut by Martinez. Jab across the chin by Martinez. Martinez finding the range. Batista answers with a right to the body. Quick uppercut for Batista lands. He backs Batista up with a left hand.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9, Martinez. Overall, 29-28 Batista.

Round 4: Steady exchange of punches in the first 30 seconds, neither fighter wanting to give up ground. Martinez steps in and lands a hard right, Batista has to get out of there. Back to the body work for Batista. Sweet five-punch combo by Martinez capped off by a left hook. Martinez with a couple of good uppercuts. He unloads a right that scores. Batista using his jab to keep an increasingly aggressive Martinez in check. Some wild punches from Martinez, Batista happy to stand and bang with him. Two rips to the body by Martinez, check left hook from Batista. A punch after the bell by Batista and it looks like that’s a point deduction.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-8 Martinez. Overall, 38-37 Martinez.

Round 5: Batista on the offensive in Round 5. Martinez wants to stand and trade with him, but he’s not stifling Batista’s attack. Right hand lands for Batista with Martinez backed against the ropes. Strange performance in this round by Martinez as he seems content to let Batista bully him. Batista picking his spots. Not much to show for Martinez this round as he spent much of it backed up on the ropes.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9 Batista. Overall, 47-47.

Round 6: Batista right back at it, walking Martinez over to the ropes. Martinez countering to the body, but he’s letting a lot of punches get through. Both fighters landing punches in close. There’s a good uppercut by Martinez, then a 1-2. Martinez beckons Batista to bring it on. Right hand from Batista. Martinez with some good body work. Left hook for Martinez. Short uppercut for Batista. Three-punch combo lands for Martinez. Jabs from Batista and Martinez throws a couple of uppercuts to get him off of him.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9 Martinez. Overall, 57-56 Martinez.

Round 7: Batista jabbing and circling, Martinez not letting himself get walked down this round. They’re exchanging in the middle of the ring, but neither opening up. Just as I write that, Martinez surprises Batista with a left hand and there’s a knockdown. No, it’s ruled a slip! Batista up quickly, but Martinez wants that finish now and he scores with a big flurry against the ropes. Batista recovers. Back to the middle of the ring and we have another lively exchange before the round is done. On the replay of the “trip,” it looks Martinez should have been credited for a knockdown. Unfortunate.

OK, never mind, at the start of Round 8 they went to the replay and they’re calling it a knockdown!

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-8 Martinez. Overall, 67-64 Martinez.

Round 8: Martinez patient as Batista fires jabs. He catches Batista with a counter jab. Lot sof power behind Martinez’s jabs. He doubles up on a couple of body shots. Batista taps his head with a quick left. Anotehr good left for Batista. He connects as Martinez just leaves his head open. Batista has Martinez backed up to the ropes again. Martinez pushes his way forward and starts to let the hands go, power punches landing for the champion.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9 Martinez. Overall, 77-73 Martinez.

Round 9: Jab duel through the first 30 seconds. It feels like Batista is leading the dance here even though neither fighter is asserting themselves. Lunging punches by Martinez, Batista gets out of the way. Good jab by Martinez. Batista pokes the body. Just a steady diet of jabs from Batista.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9 Batista. Overall, 86-83 Martinez.

Round 10: Batista focusing on the body. Martinez answers with a serious body rip. His jab is giving Batista problems. Batista lands an uppercut. Martinez rips the body again. He’s doing a good job of neutralizing Batista’s jab. Batista goes back to the uppercut and scores. Batista fires to the body with Martinez against the ropes. Punch from Martinez sends Batista’s mouthpiece flying. Martinez lands a good right hook to the body.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9 Martinez. Overall, 96-92 Martinez.

Round 11: Martinez chasing Batista now, Batista lands a jab but eats a hard right. That hurt Batista and Martinez knows it, he pounces. Rapid fire shots from Martinez with Batista on the ropes. There’s not much of a response and the referee steps in for the save.

Official decision: Julio Cesar Martinez def. Ronal Batista via TKO (R11, 1:00)

Canelo vs. Ryder Results: Live updates of the undercard and main event (2024)


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