New Updated Familiar Revamp Guide – MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (2024)

New Updated Familiar Revamp Guide – MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (1)

MapleStory has changed up the familiar system and removed the codex. They are hoping to use the new familiar system where you can strengthen Familiars and earn badges to make it easier for people and add a little more substance to Familiars.

What You Need To Know About the New Familiar System

The Familiar System might seem like a big change and can be something hard to understand, so I have listed some stuff out that should be key focuses.

  • Better system since you can now summon 3 Familiars, each having their own benefits and buffs
  • Familiar Badge system have replace the Codex
  • Previously obtained Familiars will be recorded in the new system
  • Familiar Points which are used in the Shop are obtained by Extracting Familiars
  • Familiars can level up which gives the Familiar more Attack/M.Attack and Defense
  • Familiars can get Potential lines such as IED, Boss Damage, Crit Damage, Attack/M.Attack, Item Drop, Meso Drop, Cooldown
  • Familiar Potentials are reset when the Familiar ranks up

The first thing you should prioritize are the Badge sets. Check below for the Badge sets section on which are the easiest to obtain or give the best benefit. Unlock 10 Badge Sets and you’ll unlock all 3 of your summon slots.

After this you should go ahead and start looking for the best potential lines for your Familiars. Once you’ve gotten the lines you want to keep, you should now try to Level and Rank them up, because the higher level they are the more stats they give and the longer they stay out.

Extract all the cards you don’t need and you’ll get currency to spend in the Familiar Shop.

Max level of 5 for Reboot players and 7 with Familiar Breakthrough Cards on Non-Reboot.

The rest of this guide will go into detail on aspects of the New Familiar System. So, if you’re unfamiliar with something or want to see the charts on Badge Location, check below.

New Familiar System Changes

New Updated Familiar Revamp Guide – MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (2)

The old Familiar system was where you hunt for a specific monster card and that Familiar will grant you a certain buff or utility. These are the new changes to the Familiar system.

  • Increased number of Familiar summons (Up to 3 summons)
  • Familiars will have their own Potential lines (2 lines)
  • You can now Fuse and Extract Familiars
  • Familiar cards are stackable
  • Familiars have levels can gain EXP by being summoned while hunting near your player level
  • Familiars deal damage proportional to Familiar’s attack power and player’s damage
  • Vitality Gauge changed to Summon Gauge
  • New Familiar Shop with Familiar Points as currency (obtained through extraction)

How To Summon Familiars

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In order to summon Familiars you need to:

  • Get the Familiar Card
  • Activate card in the Use Tab
  • Go to Key Bindings and open Familiar Overview
  • Register Familiar in the Setup Tab
  • After equipped, Go to your Beginner Skills Tab and use the Summon Familiar Skill

How To Unlock Familiar Slots and Summon 3 Familiars

The new Familiar system allows you to be able to summon up to 3 Familiars at a time. The catch is, you have to unlock the 2nd and 3rd slot.

  • Slot 1 is unlocked for free by default
  • Slot 2 is unlocked by completing the quest after you get your first Familiar Badge
  • Slot 3 is unlocked by completing the quest after you get 10 Familiar Badges

After you unlock all 3 slots you register Familiars through the Setup Tab and use your Summon Familiar Skill.

New Familiar Summon Gauge

Replacing the Vitality Gauge is the Familiar Summon Gauge where all Familiars share the same Summon Gauge. Previous Familiar cards that you have gotten to max Vitality will be registered separately in the Familiar system.

Summon Gauge depletes slower if the Familiars summoned have high Defenses. The values take into account all summoned Familiars so having all 3 out with high defense will grant you a much longer time.

Summon Gauge can be reset by either using Familiar Essence (50%), waiting for the Daily Reset or just slowly over time. Summon Gauge gets a hard and full reset at 12:00 AM UTC daily.

All Familiar Badge Sets

These are all the Badge Sets available and listed in the Familiar UI. Up to 8 Badges can be equipped at a time.

New Updated Familiar Revamp Guide – MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (4)

In order to get the badge you need to collect all the Familiars cards in the specified Badge Set. The closest you can get to the (30% IED) Leafre and (3% Attack/M.Attack) Cygnus Codex will be 15% IED and 3% Attack/M.Attack with 8 badges. (Toy, Mineral, Dragon, Cloud, Time, Secret/Mechanical, Mighty/Mushking, Mushking/Depths)

Badge StatsMin Stat Per BadgeMax Bonus StatsBadges Required
% Chance to recover HP/MPShrine, Time
All Skill levels +1Hatching
Max HP( + 5)( + 10)Starter, Snowflake, Oppressor, Forest
LUK( + 1)( + 2)Shadow, Mariner
DEX( + 1)( + 2)Peaceful, Shuriken
STR( + 1)( + 2)Mesa, Mighty
INT( + 1)( + 2)Magical, Mechanical
All Stat( + 1)( + 2)Showa, Cloud
DEF( + 5)( + 10)Secret, Sandy, Clockwork, Forest, Wave
Wep Att( + 1)( + 2)Secret, Mighty, Mushking
Magic Att( + 1)( + 2)Mechanical, Mushking, Depths
Speed( + 1)( + 2)Beach
Jump( + 1)( + 2)Mariner
Max HP %1%2%Clockwork, Lion
All Stats %1%1%Exorcism, Tyrant
Wep Att %1%3%Depths, Future, Lion
Magic Att %1%3%Beach, Wave, Future
Dmg %1%3%Sandy, Darkness, Shuriken, Showa, Shrine
Def %2%2%Cursed, Commerci
Crit Rate %1%3%Cursed, Commerci
IED %3%15%Toy, Mineral, Dragon, Cloud, Time

*Familiars that are extracted still count towards unlocking Familiar Badges

Easiest 10 Badge Sets To Obtain and Unlock

Common Rank cards have increased drop rates so finding sets that are mainly composed of common cards are your best bet. Also, drop gear would be a good investment here as well.

The easiest 10 badges to obtain are,

  • Starter Badge(Lith Harbor)
  • Snowflake Badge(Rien)
  • Oppressor Badge(Edelstein)
  • Rebel Badge(Edelstein)
  • Mineral Badge(Edelstein – Verne Mine)
  • Commerci Badge (Commerci Republic)
  • Mariner Badge (Riena Strait) Complete the Theme Dungeon Questline to unlock the region boss. Change channels to fight the boss repeatedly.
  • Sandy Badge (Ariant)
  • Lion Badge (Lionheart Castle)
  • Snow Badge (El Nath)

MapleStory has added more Familiars to Arcane River. Swamp Badge, Ocean Badge, Labyrinth Badge, and Void Badge are easy to obtain but you can only obtain them if you can reach certain levels and get to that area.

The great thing is that Familiar Cards are transferable so if you got a character that is high level and can go to these areas you can farm the cards for your other characters.

Don’t forget to use Booster Packs if Hunting the Boss is hard.

How To Level Up Familiars

In order to level up your new Familiars you must summon them and have them participate in battle with monsters near your level. Monsters near your level are 20 levels above and below your own. Familiars start at level 1 when obtained.

  • Max level for Common To Epic Familiars are Level 5
  • Max level for Unique to Legendary Familiars are Level 5 (if you’re playing Non-Reboot you can use a Familiar Breakthrough Card to get to Level 7)

Familiars gain 1 Exp everytime a monster is killed near your level while being summoned. These are the Exp requirements for each Familiar level.

  • Lv. 2 – 300 EXP
  • Lv. 3 – 600 EXP
  • Lv. 4 – 1,200 EXP
  • Lv. 5 – 2.400 EXP
  • Lv. 6 – 2,900 EXP (Only in Non-Reboot)
  • Lv. 7 – 2,800 EXP (Only in Non-Reboot)

As mentioned before the more total defense your Familiars have while summoned, the less the Summon Gauge consumption and more time that they can stay out. Here’s a chart on the values and what to expect.

New Updated Familiar Revamp Guide – MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (5)*Reboot has a cap since Familiars can only reach a max level of 5.

Familiar Stats Bonus For Each Level

When Familiars level up they gain a certain amount of Attack and Defense depending on Rank and luck. Chart Below.

Level UpCommon and RareEpicUniqueLegendary (Non-Reboot)
1 -> 2+0 Min / +1 Max+0 Min / +2 Max+0 Min / +2 Max+1 Min / +3 Max
2 -> 3+0 Min / +1 Max+0 Min / +2 Max+1 Min / +3 Max+1 Min / +3 Max
3 -> 4+0 Min / +2 Max+1 Min / +2 Max+1 Min / +3 Max+2 Min / +4 Max
4 -> 5+1 Min / +2 Max+1 Min / +3 Max+2 Min / +4 Max+2 Min / +4 Max
5 -> 6 (Non-Reboot)N/AN/A+3 Min / +7 Max+4 Min / +8 Max
6 -> 7 (Non-Reboot)N/AN/A+5 Min / +10 Max+8 Min / +12 Max

How To Rank Up Familiars

Ranking up is different from leveling up and will consist of changing your Familiars to Epic, Unique, or Legendary. If you’re in Reboot, the max tier you can go to is Unique.

In order to Rank up, you need to reach the current max level of your Familiars rank. Then you use Rank-Up Points to get to the next tier. Here are the costs of Ranking up and the success rate at each tier.

Tier UpCost (Rank-Up Points)Success %
Common –> Rare50100
Rare –> Epic10080
Epic –> Unique15040

*If a Rank-Up fails, you’ll get 50% of the points back

Familiar Ranks can be determined by the differences in color where the name is.

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New Updated Familiar Revamp Guide – MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (7)

How To Get More Rank Up Points

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Rank-Up Points can be obtained by fusing duplicate Familiars through the Fusion Tab in the Familiar system. Below is a list of how many Rank-Up points you’ll get each time you fuse for a certain tier. Ranking up can also reset your Familiars Potential and Att/Def.

TypeRank-Up Points

From the chart you can tell it is going to take a lot of farming in order to get enough points for a high rank. Another way to get Rank Up Points is to use the Familiar Shop and buy Suspicious Fauxmiliar Coupons but, this will take Familiar Points which can be obtained through Extracting which still requires a lot of farming.

New Updated Familiar Revamp Guide – MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (9)

Suspicious Fauxmiliar Card: Use the item to fuse for Common to Unique Familiars. It increases the Familiar’s Rank-Up Points by 15.

How To Get To Legendary Familiar Tier

Legendary Familiar Tier is only for Regular, Non-Reboot Servers. A similar way to cubing where you purchase Red Familiar Cards and they have a chance to grant you a Tier Up while resetting your potential.

How To Get Familiar Points

New Updated Familiar Revamp Guide – MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (10)

The Familiar Shop uses Familiar Points as currency and can be obtained by using the Extraction Tab in the Familiar System. Below are how many points you’ll get for each of the Familiar Tiers.

  • Common: 10 Familiar Points
  • Rare: 15 Familiar Points
  • Epic: 30 Familiar Points
  • Unique: 40 Familiar Points

The best thing to spend your Familiar Points on depends on what you need to do. If you are looking to keep your Familiars out longer, the choice is the Familiar Essence since it refills 50% of your Summon Gauge.

If you’re looking to get more Rank-Up Points you’ll want to get the Suspicious Fauxmiliar Coupon which gives you more Rank-Up Points every time you fuse.

If you’re looking to try and get more Familiars randomly then the Familiar Booster Pack is good for you.

Is Extracting Familiars Better Or Fusing?

Since there are two ways to get rid of your unwanted Familiar Cards, you need to pick the best way which gives you the most benefit. The best thing to do if you’re playing casually is to Extract. Fusing should only be done when you have specifically farmed a bunch of Familiars in order to Rank-Up (5,000 points to get to Unique). Extracting Familiars will still allow you to register the Familiar for the Badge Sets so no worries there.

Once you Extract you can use the Familiar Points to get the Familiar Booster Pack in the shop and fill out your Badge Sets. After you’re done with your Badge Sets, you want to start working on Fusing.

What are the Best Familiar Potentials To Look For?

The Best Familiar Potentials to get are going to be dependent on what your character needs. Usually for your Mains, you’re going to want a mix of Boss Damage, IED, Crit Damage, and Attack/M.Attack. If you’re doing this on a farming character you’re going to want, Item Drop, Meso Drop, Attack/M.Attack, and Cooldown times.

Keep in mind the higher Familiar Rank the more stat % you can obtain, so get those Rank-Ups.

New Updated Familiar Revamp Guide – MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (2024)


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