Origins of the Fallen Emperor by VFSNAKE - Chapter 12 - Eclectic_Operator - Mortal Kombat (2024)

Chapter Text

The Fire Daimyo watched his city from the balcony high in his castle where he ruled the entire country from his seat of power. As he watched the outside world before him, the Fire Daimyo felt a sudden feeling of dread wash over his very being, and wondered what it meant for him. Why was this feeling hitting his body now? Was his country about to be attacked? His home?

'I should have my standard army of samurai put on high alert just to be safe,' thought the Fire Daimyo before going to inform one of his captains of the order.

Before an explosion violently rocked his castle and shook it down to its very foundation.

Shocked by this action, the Fire Daimyo ran back to the balcony to see a massive army of Shinobi had breached the outer defense wall of his castle. The source of the breach was a giant dragon made out of what appeared to be a tree! The alarm soon sounded with the samurai trying to stop the invading Shinobi from getting close to their Daimyo. Sadly for them, they were being violently pushed back by the invading force led by none other then Shao Kahn himself. Repelling samurai left and right with a few Konoha Shinobi trying to help the samurai, but were struck down by Suigetsu, and Jugo in a semi-psychotic state. Guren used her bloodline to make crystals shoot out of the ground and pierce the enemy from behind.

"Crush them! Leave nothing but bloody stains in your wake!" commanded Shao Kahn, as he swung his weapon at a samurai, sending his victim into the castle itself.

His forces had no problem with that. For years, Fire Country had acted superior to the other countries, flexing their muscles, and commanding weaker nations to fall in line with their way of thinking. Those that didn't were invaded. Conquered with Shinobi before being occupied by samurai under the pretense of "keeping the peace" once the Shinobi left. But they did little in regards to keeping the peace, killing off protestors, instilling fear into those unsure of what to do, and making the lives of the natives a nightmare. Fire Country violated international laws or found loopholes in them while at the same time condemning everyone else of the same thing.

It was pure hypocrisy!

But they had a chance to put an end to it. Put an end to the corrupt country, its leaders, its nobles, and the politicians who had made trouble for them. For the world. Fire Daimyo, the Hokage, and the country's Shinobi had plunging the world into a violent war, claiming that Kami was on their side, and it was just while calling everyone else a nonbeliever. That the Will of Fire they preached about would purge everyone unbelieving in their "just cause" and spare those that did.

They had left out the part where they would decide who was worthy and who was not.

Not that it mattered any more. Not when every defense leading to the very Capital of Fire Country had been destroyed by all the Jinchuriki, multiple Kage level Shinobi, and their immense army of high level Shinobi behind them. As for Shao Kahn, he was finding this moment to be a sense of déjà vu for him in some strange way, as he felt like he had done this before at one point at a different point in time of his life, and yet the man didn't know where?

Though if he were honest with himself, it didn't matter where this moment brought about this sensation of déjà vu, and just kept on fighting. Not far from him, Hyuuga Hinata was covering his right flank with precision Gentle Fist strikes to her opponents, sending them flying back a broken, and bleeding mess that few could survive when hit. To his left, he saw Anko was unleashing her own fury on the enemy, and it was clear the woman no longer had any loyalty to Konoha much less Fire Country anymore.

Not surprising when you have loyal agents in Konoha, who knew how to get things that seemed untouchable, and three such agents managed to get the prized journal of Tsunade herself. In the writings, Shao Kahn showed Anko what Tsunade, and Konoha thought of her even after they cleared her name upon her turning on Uzumaki Naruto when ordered to all those years ago.

Mitarashi Anko is so blind its pathetic. She is so desperate for love that she will side with anyone offering it. Even to hurt the brat with her skills in tearing into his flesh when I gave the order. She didn't even hesitate when I explained it to her and while we failed to kill the monster, we gained Anko's unwavering loyalty in the process. A small second place trophy all things considered, but one I'm willing to accept. Ha! Inoichi's psyche evaluation of her was dead on about hurting anyone if it meant acceptance from the general populace. While I intend to live up to my end of the "deal" made with her, it does not mean she should be kept off such a powerful leash. Orochimaru assures me her Curse Seal is useless to her, but helpful to us in controlling Anko should she start acting against us. Naturally, we told Anko that the removal of the Curse Seal was impossible due to it was a malfunctioning prototype, and just have to endure its presence for the rest of her natural life. A perfect lie if there ever was one, as Anko is of no use to Orochimaru in taking her body since its too old for him to use should he need one.

I've spoken to Iruka about her, and convinced the man to make it seem like he is in fact interested in Anko in order to secure the woman even further within Konoha. Her talents could be used against us in the future if we are not careful after all and I won't have Anko getting second thoughts about Konoha. Besides, this way everyone wins with Anko's blind loyalty to us being absolute, Iruka gets laid, and Anko herself feels she is loved. Though I and a few others know that is the farthest from the truth. Iruka no more cares for her then I do and I only care if she can perform the necessary duties her station demands. If she learns that we could have helped her at anytime and did nothing until recently to help secure the woman's loyalty, it would backfire greatly. Though I don't expect the woman to know about this and if she ever did, I have several trusted ANBU on standby to restrain her while Inoichi has orders to reprogram the woman for other tasks befitting the woman with her body.

If Anko's ability to be a Konoha Shinobi ever becomes compromised, I will make sure the many offspring we will make her have do not make the same mistakes.

That page alone had been written weeks after the failed execution of Uzumaki Naruto and secured Anko's loyalty to Shao Kahn. No more fighting him. No more thinking of ways to be free from HIS seal. No more wishing to go back to Konoha and to where her loyalty to them had just been one big fat lie the size of a giant expanded Akimichi on steroids.

She truly belonged to Shao Kahn now. She belonged to the demonic entity in mind, body, and spirit. Hell, Anko had practically thrown herself at Shao Kahn just yesterday in all her naked glory, pleading to be taken by him in his bed, to be loved, and f*cked by the man in order to take the pain away.

It was only through his power that she wasn't extremely sore later in the aftermath and preparing for this battle with the Fire Daimyo's forces. The bed they used had not been so lucky, but it did die in a way many beds, if they had the ability to be remotely sentient, would be proud go out like that, and called heroes to their kin.

The bed would have lasted a lot longer if was used by Shao Kahn and the other women in his life.

Oh well.

"The Fire Daimyo is up there. I sense him being surrounded by some of his samurai and Konoha Shinobi inside," said Karin, as she used her sensory abilities on the castle to find the Fire Daimyo, and where the most people would be heading at the top of the structure.

"Hashirama! Tobirama! Bring the Fire Daimyo to me!" commanded Shao Kahn knowing that once the Fire Daimyo was in his possession, the enemy would surrender, or flee from the castle grounds.

"Yes Shao Kahn-sama!" Hashirama and Tobirama said at the same time before they sprung into action.

First, Hashirama made large hollow tunnels of wood, and strike deep within the castle to make it look like a children's fun slide. Only for much larger in scale. Next, Tobirama used his mastery of water to make a massive wall of it converge on the castle from the other side so it would fill the structure with water, and literally flush its occupants out of it. Hashirama's multiple wooden tubs on each level of the castle would result in the mass majority of those people in those levels to be shot into the tubes where they would be on the ground level with two former Hokages waiting for their intended target.

And sure enough, the Fire Daimyo came out one of the tubes, soaking wet with clothes drenched from the water. Hashirama and Tobirama scowled at the man in disgust at the sight of him. Both former Hokages knew this man's Grandfather and even Father at a time when the latter was just a child. The former was a strong man in both mind and in body. He was a man, who kept himself in shape, the latter was being molded to be just like him when they were alive back during that time.

This Daimyo however...?

"Its said to see a Daimyo in this state. Doesn't it brother?" said Tobirama while picking up what literally felt like a 90 pound man soaking wet by his drenched clothing.

"Agreed brother. This Daimyo's Grandfather would be ashamed of him. How this one's Father let him get so weak is beyond me," remarked Hashirama before grabbing the Fire Daimyo and the two quickly brought him right to the feet of Shao Kahn.

And almost instantly the opposition stopped fighting.

"Hello Fire Daimyo. You know that I know who you are, but I can help but you know just who I am?" questioned Shao Kahn with the Fire Daimyo's forces still on guard against any further attacks while his own forces stayed their hand for the moment.

"You are the Kyuubi Jinchuriki. Konoha's weapon. Fire Country's weapon," stated the Fire Daimyo before he was viciously backhanded.

"Wrong answer. Try again," stated Shao Kahn with the Fire Daimyo whimpering at how he had been hit.

"You are Konoha's pet," said the Fire Daimyo, but his tone was no longer regal sounding and sounded weaker.

Shao Kahn's response to take his Wrath Hammer down on the man's shoulder.


"AAAAAAHHHHH!" screamed the Fire Daimyo in pain.

"Try again!" exclaimed Shao Kahn with his patience on this fool getting thing.

"You are...the Daimyo of Wave Country. You are...Shao Kahn," whimpered the Fire Daimyo with Shao Kahn smirking.

"Good. As of this very moment, I Shao Kahn: Conqueror of Realms, hereby declares that Fire Country is dissolved! The land will be divided equally amongst its neighbors and the nobles along with any other supporters of this whimpering waste of space are to be killed on sight. No excuses," stated Shao Kahn with the Fire Daimyo glaring at him weakly.

"Konoha will stop you. They cannot be beaten so easily by the likes of you," whispered the Fire Daimyo with Shao Kahn letting out an amused laugh.

"I take it Konoha has not shared with you the latest in their long list of defeats and losses they've suffered by my hands?" asked Shao Kahn in amusem*nt.

"What losses? All you've done is stopped Wave Country from being taken by my forces and destroyed my naval yard," replied the Fire Daimyo while gripping his shoulder that was clearly damaged beyond repair.

"I've killed two of their three Sannin. The former Yondaime Hokage is also dead. Their spy in the Akatsuki Uchiha Itachi has fallen. Nara Shikamaru, a prodigy in the way of all things strategy has been dead for some time. Orochimaru's bases in Rice Country and every other place internationally has been destroyed. With this country's Capital now gone, Konoha will be next, and anyone that stands in our way will be run over," stated Shao Kahn with the Fire Daimyo sputtering in shock.

"You can't do this! I forbid it!" exclaimed the Fire Daimyo before he was struck again by the back of Shao Kahn's hand.

"Fool! You dare say that to me?! To all of us?! What right do you have to say that? What power could you possibly possess to stop us?!" challenged Shao Kahn before looking at the army that represented Fire Country and the Daimyo lying at his feet in front of him.

"I am the Daimyo of this land. You are on MY land. My word is law here!" exclaimed the Fire Daimyo angrily and his eyes showing it with a mixture of fear in them.

"Your word is about to be silenced," said Shao Kahn before swinging his Wrath Hammer down on the Fire Daimyo's head and making blood spray everywhere.

"Nice!" stated Suigetsu with a grin.

"Only you would love that Suigetsu-baka. I swear its either blood or swords with you," commented Karin with Suigetsu scowling at her.

"Says the girl with no real chest and hasn't been able to see Shao Kahn-sama's sword like some of the other women in his life," remarked Suigetsu before he was punched in the head and it turned into water.

"Asshole!" exclaimed Karin while shaking her fist at him.

"Flat chest!" Suigetsu shot back.

"Sword lover!" said Karin.

"At least I have a sword! Its not my fault you're afraid to touch one," shot back Suigetsu with Karin's face seething in rage at the innuendo.

While this was going on, Shao Kahn decided to address the remaining troops of the now late Fire Daimyo, who were now unsure on how to proceed given their leader was dead.

"Who here wants to join the late Fire Daimyo? You can run like cowards. You can stay and fight with the end result being death as your reward. can join us. Choose your destiny and choose wisely," said Shao Kahn, as the samurai in front of him now looking either at him or each other with uncertainty, and wondering what they should do.

Until finally, they made a unanimous decision.

"We...We pledge our services to you...Shao Kahn-sama," replied one samurai before keeling in front him and the others doing the same in perfect unison.

"You chose...wisely!" remarked Shao Kahn before letting out a chuckle.

(Konoha-Sometime Later)

"He's here. I can feel it," remarked Tsunade from her office in the Hokage Tower with Danzo, Homura, and Koharu standing several feet behind her.

"We've lost contact with our outposts outside the village. There is also no word from the Capital. We must assume its been lost. Konoha is the only part of Fire Country still intact right now," stated Koharu while Tsunade nodded.

"Now we are all that is left of Fire Country. We ARE Fire Country now," stated Danzo like it was the most obvious thing in the world and should have been known from the start.

Explosions at the village wall were soon seen and heard by Tsunade from her position on all sides of it with Konoha Shinobi rushing to repel the enemy.

"Time to put an end to this nonsense," said Tsunade before she opened the window and leaped out.

(Konoha Streets)

Shao Kahn found felt the bloodlust he had felt time and time again rising to its zenith, as he slaughtered every Konoha Shinobi in his path. Many among the opposition felt if they could kill him, the rest of his allies would either fall, retreat, or surrender in the hopes of getting some form of mercy. What they didn't count on, even after all this time, was that Shao Kahn was not some weak thing they could beat up like they did Uzumaki Naruto when he was a child. He was not some hyperactive, blonde dumbass constantly shouting out he would be Hokage despite the sh*t the village put him through. He was not naive. He was not dense, stupid, childish, or anything else that once described the boy Konoha tried to break and kill for well over a decade at the start of the boy's life.

No. They were fighting a warrior, a conqueror, former Emperor, and now a Daimyo of another country. They were fighting someone who took down the Dragon King. They were fighting someone who fought the Elder Gods and nearly won!

They were fighting Shao Kahn!

"Fist Expansion Jutsu!" exclaimed Choji before enlarging his fist and throwing it at Shao Kahn, who with one mighty swing of his Wrath Hammer sent it away with ease.

"Try again!" exclaimed Shao Kahn with a laugh soon following.

"Let's see you try this instead! Shintenshin no Jutsu!'" said Ino, as she planned to possess his mind, and turn him on his own forces.

Starting with Hinata.

"Fool," whispered Shao Kahn before feeling her invade his mind and smirked evilly mere seconds later.

(Inside Shao Kahn's Mind)

"Time to do some serious damage," said Ino to herself while trying to take command of Shao Kahn's body, but found herself unsuccessful, and was soon grabbed by various red haired individuals now pushing her down to the her knees.

"You were foolish to try that Ino. For when you entered here to take possession of my body, you challenged not only me, but every soul of the Uzumaki Clan within me. Now you will pay the price for your actions," stated Shao Kahn with his Wrath Hammer in his hand like it was outside and Ino struggled to get free.

"Wait! Wait! You don't have to do this!" pleaded Ino with Shao Kahn frowning at her.

"I'm not even within striking range of you and already your pleading for your life. The Leaf has made my generation grow weak and spineless in my absence," remarked Shao Kahn before he stopped right in front of her and saw the woman crying.

"Come on Naruto. I don't hate you. Really! I was just following orders. My parents told me to hate you. So did the rest of village. I had no choice. I had my life to think about. I would have been all alone if I defied the village," replied Ino with Shao Kahn narrowing his eyes at her.

"First off, I am Shao Kahn. Do not call me Naruto ever again. You are not worthy to even speak the boy's name. Second, you wouldn't have been alone. Naruto would have stuck by you no matter what. Now you have to pay the price for your decision," replied Shao Kahn before getting ready to strike Ino down.

"I'm sorry! All right?! I'm truly sorry! I'll do anything to make it up to you!" pleaded Ino knowing if she died in here, she would die in the real world.

"Anything huh? Well...I suppose I could always have another loyal concubine to have in my bed chambers," said Shao Kahn since Ino did have a great body and it would be a shame to let it go to waste.

Before Ino could say anything, Shao Kahn grabbed the front of her head, and poured his influence into her mind. He overpowered the woman's thought process, her reasoning, and stripped away any kind of the loyalty Ino might still have for Konoha. He was going to make the woman his property and treat her as such until she was worthy of being more then just a means of warming his bed at night.

When he finished, Shao Kahn released Ino's head, and it slumped forward for a second before looking up at him a semi-glazed look in her eyes.

"What is your command Shao-Kahn-sama?" asked Ino in an submissive obedient tone while the souls of the Uzumaki Clan holding her down freed released her.

"Return to your body and kill any Konoha Shinobi that stands against us. You belong to me now," replied Shao Kahn with Ino nodding.

"Yes Master," said Ino before she left his mind and missed Shao Kahn smirking before it became a full blown laugh.

(Real World)

"Ino? Ino come on! Get up! We need to get out of here before we get overrun! We need to regroup before its too late!" exclaimed Choji, as he helped Ino's body up, and felt her return to it.

"Yes. Regroup," whispered Ino while secretly drawing a kunai from her holster before slashing Choji right in the neck.

"ACK! Ino? What? Why?!" asked Choji, as he gasped he grabbed his now bleeding neck in shock, and saw the change in her.

"By the orders of Shao Kahn-sama, all Konoha Shinobi must die," explained Ino before stabbing her one time friend right in the skull with the kunai she used to slice into his neck.

As for Shao Kahn, he turned his attention to Inuzuka Kiba, who with his dog partner Akamaru tried to attack him two on one. Only for Hinata to appear in-between them and use Kaiten to send the pair flying back into a building. Not even looking back the man she loved, Hinata moved forward, striking one Shinobi after the next with deadly Gentle Fist precision, proving her worth not only to herself, but to Shao Kahn as well. Not that she really needed to after all that had happened since joining his side and unleashing her skills upon Konoha's forces.

"You've gotten stronger Hinata-sama. It's a shame the one worthy of being Heiress to our clan decided to betray it for him!" said Neji with the two staring the other down.

"I would rather be a traitor to the clan then become a traitor to my heart Neji," countered Hinata with Neji scowling at her.

"We will see how strong your heart is after I make it explode," said Neji before the two did battle.

"Not if I make yours explode first. Though that might prove a bit difficult considering how small it another part of your body," countered Hinata, as she matched him move for move, and saw Neji getting angrier.

"And how would you know about that?" accused Neji angrily with Hinata smirking while knocking his hand away and hit him in the chest with a palm thrust.

"Tenten talked a lot when she got drunk once when I was with her on a kunoichi's night out. More specifically, on how you can't perform well and what you lack in size to make her how should I phrase it? Happy in bed?" said Hinata mockingly, as she learned from Shao Kahn that mocking someone where you know it hurts the most can make them angry and make mistakes in battle.

As for Neji, he was red with anger, embarrassment, and humiliation on how Tenten had apparently said that to other kunoichi when out one night with them. Even worse, she said it while intoxicated, and people knew that when someone is drunk they forgo any restraints on expressing themselves. They also tended to speak the truth or possible their own versions of the truth based on their opinions on other people from what they've seen.

Meaning if a drunk Tenten said he was a poor lover in bed, chances are she meant it, and wouldn't apologize for saying such things should push come to shove when they had their next verbal argument.

IF they had another verbal argument.

As for Shao Kahn, he was fighting off several Jounin before stopping when he saw the young version of Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shimura Danzo, and Senju Tsunade. Two out of three were glaring while one just stared emotionlessly at him with a hint of ambition.

"You have a lot of nerve coming here brat. You're going to pay for your actions against us and Konoha," stated Tsunade with Shao Kahn smirking.

"Its funny you would speak of this village as if it were the one being betrayed. There are those that would say differently," remarked Shao Kahn before sensing a Jounin coming at him from the right before he knocked the foolish man violently away with ease.

"You betray the Will of Fire. For that reason alone you will die," added Hiruzen with Shao Kahn letting out a chuckle before it became full blown laughter.

"Is that so? Again, its funny you would mention your precious 'Will of Fire' like this. There are those that would say you betrayed it just like you betrayed the true Konoha," replied Shao Kahn before snapping his fingers and three Shinobi from the past met the now shocked three Shinobi of the present.

"Hello Hiruzen. Your appearance may have changed, but your eyes show you are as decrepit as ever," replied Hashirama with a scowl on his face with Hiruzen looking shocked at seeing his sensei here.

"Hello Danzo. Still the greedy fool I saw all those years ago. Had I known what you would do and become, I would have thrown you, and Hiruzen against the enemy instead of myself. But knowing your fear of death, I doubt you would have stayed to fight them. If anything, you would have joined the enemy in exchange for being spared," remarked Tobirama while Danzo scowled at the insult.

"Hello Tsunade. To think someone of my bloodline within the Uzumaki Clan outside of Kushina would betray us like you have. Such a disgrace to the Senju and Uzumaki Clans you've become Tsunade," remarked Mito with Tsunade looking furious with tears now starting to form around her eyes.

"How dare you bring them back from the dead! You defiler of life!" exclaimed Tsunade angrily with Shao Kahn smirking.

"As if you're one to talk Tsunade. Or any of those beside you. If anyone is to blame, you should blame Orochimaru for studying the Edo Tensei with such interest. When I took his soul, I gained all his knowledge from it, and acted accordingly. Besides, my bringing them back is different from when he did it during the staged invasion created by the old monkey," replied Shao Kahn before explaining how he got those three back and the look of shock mixed with horror appeared on their faces.

"You killed my two students and gave their souls to the Shinigami! You had no right!" declared Hiruzen before he took a step back when Hashirama took a step forward.

"Just as you had no right to betray what I taught you Hiruzen. You had no right to betray my teachings or the Uzumaki Clan! My wife's clan!" exclaimed Hashirama angrily.

"Sensei I-ACK!" exclaimed Hiruzen before he was hit with blinding speed of a palm thrust by the former Shodaime Hokage to his stomach.

"You are no longer my student. The boy I trained years ago and taught the Will of Fire to is dead. You are not him. You are a perverse abomination!" declared Hashirama before he went after the stunned Hiruzen, who was being pushed back the former Hokage.

"I know one should not enjoy fighting and killing others. But in your own particular case Shimura Danzo, I will gladly make an exception regarding your end," said Tobirama before he rushed to attacked Danzo, who quickly revealed his Sharingan Eye behind his bandages, and special arm with Hashirama's cells mixed with the grafted Sharingan Eyes in them.

"You are no longer my sensei. Hiruzen and Tsunade may be hesitant to strike those close to them, but I am not so weak as to hesitate when the time is right. You should have just declared me Hokage all those years ago," said Danzo before the two engaged each other in battle.

"I know of your actions Danzo. Of your methods in creating Root and removing emotions from people. Tell me, had you died, how did you expect your mindless, and emotionless drones to function? Or had you designed it so Konoha would not function without you being its leader? That the village would die with you?" asked Tobirama before shooting compressed balls of water at Danzo with one putting a hole in his chest before phasing out and reforming again.

With one of the Sharingan in his arms closing.

"I am Konoha. I am the Will of Fire," declared Danzo with a hint of arrogance in his voice.

"Fire is passion. Fire is emotion given form. How can you claim to be the Will of Fire if you have no emotions in your heart or behind your actions? You are poison Danzo. That is what you are," declared Tobirama, as he noted what his attack did, should have done, and what Danzo did before noticing the man had one less grafted Sharingan Eye open on the arm.

"I don't have to explain myself to you sensei. You are a relic. Out of date. The world has changed and so have I from the weak frail human you knew," said Danzo before he was hit again by another blast of water and phasing out again before coming back unharmed.

"You're right. You have changed. You're no longer a human being. You're like Hiruzen. An abomination. Something unnatural. You have become something that has no purpose in this world other then taking what does not belong to you. The only fitting thing left to do is end your life," declared Tobirama before moving in for close combat.

"She's all yours Mito. Perhaps Tsunade will finally be humbled before dying by your very hands," remarked Shao Kahn while Tsunade looked ready to shoot fire from her eyes.

"Fight him Grandmother. You are an Uzumaki. Fight his control!" exclaimed Tsunade before Mito face became stone faced with a look of fury on it.

"Did you forget already my so called Granddaughter? I am in complete control of my body. I may have to take certain orders from Shao Kahn-sama, but nothing I don't agree with. Namely ending your life," said Mito before rushing forward and punched Tsunade right in the face with the force behind it sending the blonde woman flying.

It was clear where Tsunade learned her Super Strength move from.

"Now to face the dumb woman who decided having a son was more of a burden then a blessing," remarked Shao Kahn before he began fighting his way to the one place where he knew his so called Mother.

The Hokage Monument.

(Elsewhere-At the Moment)

Where are you going Uchiha?" asked Naruko with Sasuke looking at the fighting and turned to walk away from it.

"Away. This village is going to fall. Why should I stay and defend this weak place?" answered Sasuke like he didn't owe Konoha a damn thing.

"Considering all they've given you? All they've taught you? All your Jutsus handed to you? All your skills? You won't defend the place that taught you all of that?" asked Naruko with Sasuke frowning further.

"Everything they taught me was owed to me. I lost my clan. Its only fair they give me whatever I want in return. Now that they have nothing left to offer, I have no reason to stay, and support them," answered Sasuke before he continued walking away.

"Typical Uchiha. Running away like a coward. Your brother should have killed you when he had the chance," remarked the monotone voice of Sabaku no Gaara hovering over the two on a cloud of sand, which made Sasuke freeze in place at the mention of his brother.

"You know nothing freak," spat Sasuke with Gaara allowing himself a smirk.

"I know your brother died at the hands of Shao Kahn. doesn't that bother you? That your purpose in avenging your clan was taken away from you?" asked Gaara with Sasuke's eyes narrowing.

"What did you just say?" demanded Sasuke with Gaara's smirk increased knowing he hit a sore spot with the Uchiha.

"You heard me Sasuke. Your brother is dead. Killed by Shao Kahn. Or as you once knew him as...Uzumaki Naruto," replied Gaara with Sasuke's eyes now being filled with fury.

"Perhaps I should go kill him now. are going stop me?" challenged Sasuke with Gaara shook his head.

"I highly doubt you can kill him Sasuke. If you could have killed him, you would have done it already. Konoha would have let you do it," remarked Gaara with Sasuke looking him right in the eyes.

"Konoha doesn't know anything. And neither do you," said Sasuke before leaving to face his enemy responsible for his brother's death.

"And what about you? What will you do?" asked Gaara with Naruko looking at him with an unreadable expression before she left in a swirl of leaves.

(With Hinata and Neji)

Hinata watched her cousin with cold eyes, as he was panting, his clothing torn, covered in blood, his blood to be exact, and looked ready to fall over. It had brought about a sense of déjà vu of a time when they stood like this, the situation reversed, and Hinata was the one badly injured from their fight in the Chuunin Exam Preliminaries.

"How does it feel Neji? How does it feel to be the one being dominated by blood and the feeling of inferiority? That was what you thought I was back then during the Chuunin Exams. A weak inferior being. Its amazing what hard work and determination can do for someone like me. Where is your fire? Your passion? Did you ever have it? Or did you just surrender it to Fate for strength that is only skin deep?" asked Hinata before seeing Neji get angry and move to strike despite it being sluggish and readable.

"Shut up! You know nothing! Even after all this time, you know nothing of pain, and of the loss I suffered at the hands of the Main family! At the hands of Hiashi-sama! At your own with your inability to fight when it mattered most!" exclaimed Neji in rage while trying to hit Hinata, but his arms were blocked from hitting her, and the woman quickly retaliated by striking the points around his shoulders before the limbs exploded violently.

"I know more then you could ever imagine. I lost my Mother because she didn't want to raise her daughters in a house filled with arrogance. She didn't want to raise us in a loveless clan. Did you know she had no choice in marrying my so called Father?! That the only thing she could control or at least try to have control over was how I and later Hanabi would be raised? No you didn't! It never occurred to you that I might be a victim just as much as you! I suffered in living without a Mother. A woman who loved me and was instead raised by a clan who hated me simply because I didn't agree with all of their archaic and barbaric policies regarding the clan. You on the other hand were loved by the clan regardless of being a Branch member. You followed policy. You got stronger from it and as such you were loved and supported by those in the clan. They used your Father's death to push you into being this monster that stands before me. My only regret is I was unable to help you see the light again, but considering how blind you are thanks to our clan's machinations...even I cannot work such miracles. Goodbye Neji," said Hinata, as she arched her hand back, and struck Neji in the face with chakra coursing through her fingertips.

"," whispered Neji before falling over dead.

"You had your chance at forgiveness Neji. I'm through giving you anymore," remarked Hinata before heading out to fight more Shinobi.

(With Hashirama and Hiruzen)

Senju Hashirama didn't look out of breath. Not a single strand of hair was out of place. Not a single piece of cloth torn or armor damaged. He was completely unharmed. Across from him was Sarutobi Hiruzen. His former pupil and the former Sandaime Hokage at a young age. Both had seen war and survived it. Both had faced impossible odds and were able to survive it. Both had been called Kami no Shinobi during their height of their days as Hokage of Konoha.

Though unlike Senju Hashirama, the body of Sarutobi Hiruzen did not look like it was in good shape. On the contrary, Hiruzen had the unfortunate opportunity to solve a "What if?" based question regarding who would win in a fight between the two with the title of Kami no Shinobi.

As things stood, the fight was not in Hiruzen's favor, and had to be supported by his trusty summons Enma in his adamantine staff form.

"This is like a repeat of history Hiruzen. Only this time, your age will not be an excuse when I kill you, and the Shinigami collects on the soul you cheated him," remarked Hashirama with Hiruzen scowling at him while blood left the side of his mouth.

"How can you judge me so harshly sensei? All I have ever done was try to make Konoha the greatest village in all of the Elemental Countries. Unopposed for all time. So what if an ally here or a friend there was killed or lost in the process? Konoha is the only village that should matter!" exclaimed Hiruzen before moving to swing his staff at Hashirama, but the man blocked it simply by raising his arm.

"I can judge you because I know you knew what I believe the Will of Fire to be and what it truly meant. Instead, you took what I taught, and threw it away! And for what? Power? Control? Ending lives that didn't follow your way of doing things simply because they were happy with their lives as they were? You killed my Grandson Nawaki because he didn't think like you or the others in Konoha. You betrayed the Uzumaki Clan because they were a so called 'threat' to Konoha when in reality that was the farthest thing from the truth and you know it," said Hashirama before going through hand signs and making tree branches rise from the ground and trap Hiruzen while Enma was kicked away from him.

"They were a threat! You and the Uzumaki Clan holding the Kyuubi like it was yours to use or not use how you saw fit. Jinchuriki are weapons! Tools of war! They are meant to serve as one until the day they die! Mito planned to return home to Whirlpool during her later years in life when she could no longer hold the fox. To put it in another Uzumaki, who would stay in Whirlpool rather then Konoha. Without a Jinchuriki, Konoha would have fallen, and they knew that!" exclaimed Hiruzen angrily before he was backhanded in the face by Hashirama.

"Unlike you and the rest of Konoha, they would not have treated the next Jinchuriki like a weapon. As for keeping Konoha safe, the Uzumaki Clan was this village's ally, meaning they would have helped during a war," countered Hashirama while Hiruzen spit some blood out of his mouth.

"Please! An ally is only as trustworthy as the side they stay on. You think the Uzumaki Clan would have stayed our trusty ally if they knew what I and the others had planned for Konoha? Planned to do to the world once we were too strong to oppose?! They would have broke off their alliance and joined our enemies to defeat us using their Jinchuriki to wipe us out! So we performed a preemptive strike and took them out of the equation!" confessed Hiruzen angrily before he was backhanded again.

"You performed a near genocide on a clan, who was the only one capable of holding the Kyuubi in the first place. What happened when you ran out of Uzumaki Clan members? All you had were Kushina at the time and she can only give Konoha so many children during her youth. Besides, her children's children would not have been able to hold the fox given the Uzumaki blood waters down by that point. They can't hold the fox inside themselves and makes things impossible for them to remotely be Jinchuriki. Of course, you knew this because of Tsunade being less then half Uzumaki, and couldn't be one herself," replied Hashirama with Hiruzen glaring at him.

"We would have found the survivors. Those with the Uzumaki bloodline were scattered just about everywhere throughout the Elemental Countries. It would not be impossible to find them and use them how we wished," stated Hiruzen before Hashirama grabbed his face and began to squeeze it.

"You would have turned them into a shadow of their true selves Sarutobi. Meant to be used only as holders of Kyuubi and nothing else. Sent to fight and die without so much as a thank you. Living a lie and living in pain everyday they drew breath. And for what? So Konoha would stay on top at the expense of a clan that once called this village an ally. More importantly, they embraced us in friendship, and you made sure Konoha got close enough to stab them in the back with a kunai without them seeing it coming. I feel no sympathy for you Sarutobi. I feel nothing for you. Goodbye," said Hashirama before snapping the man's neck and crushing his skull violently.

(With Tobirama and Danzo)

"You lack of eyes on your arm tells me you can't keep this up forever Danzo," remarked Tobirama while seeing Danzo's "special" arm had lost quite a few Sharingan Eyes.

"I have plenty to replace them," countered Danzo without care since he did and was sure his Root could secure a competent doctor to perform the surgery in the invent Tsunade was killed in this battle.

"Yes. Your large supply of Sharingan Eyes hidden underground. You'll find they won't survive today. Even as we speak, they are being destroyed by our spies here in Konoha, and will be of no use to you," remarked Tobirama with Danzo scowling.

"And who may I ask are these so called spies?" questioned Danzo while curious as to how someone was able to infiltrate his organization within Konoha.

"Let's just say Hiruzen's bloodline can be just as treacherous as he is with the Uzumaki Clan," answered Tobirama cryptically while Danzo narrowed his eyes before they went wide in shock.

"No! Him? Are those other two brats in on it? Homura's and Koharu's grandchildren?" questioned Danzo with Tobirama gave a small smirk.

"What do you think my old student?" asked Tobirama before he was in front of Danzo a second later with a palm strike to the face, crushing the war hawk's skull, only to phase, and reappear unharmed.

"I think its finally time we see who is better at using the Senju bloodline. Your brother or myself," remarked Danzo, as he unleashed large tree branches from the ground, and had them move to trap Tobirama in their bind.

"Impressive. You must have trained in your spare time to use this power. Otherwise, you would have been unable to use it effectively," remarked Tobirama, as he dodged left, and right to keep the branches away.

"You cannot win Tobirama-sensei. I have surpassed all my peers. You, your brother, even the former Yondaime was no match for me. I am the true Hokage of Konoha in all but name. Something you denied me years ago! Something I will take once this war is over and Konoha is mine along with the rest of the world!" exclaimed Danzo, as he saw his sense was about to be trapped before vanishing one second, and appearing behind the once crippled man the next.

"You forget Danzo, everything you know, I along with my brother taught you. But we didn't teach either of you everything," remarked Tobirama before stabbing Danzo in the back of the head with a kunai.

And once more the process Danzo used to cheat death that was the Izanagi came about with the man appearing unharmed from the kill.

"Die and stay dead!" exclaimed Danzo, as he used his sword that had once been held secretly within his cane to strike Tobirama, but the former Nidaime Hokage stopped it easily by grabbing the hand, and ripping the sword out of it.

Before stabbing Danzo in the heart. Again, the power of Izanagi saved him.

"This is getting boring Danzo. I know the Uchiha were none for coping everything, but this is ridiculous," commented Tobirama with Danzo smirking.

"As long as I have the Sharingan, I am invincible," replied Danzo before feeling a pain in his special arm and saw a seal on his body in the exposed part of his limb.

"Which is why I made sure the seal on you takes them away," remarked Tobirama, as he had heard from Shao Kahn about what Danzo had quite literally up his sleeve with all the Sharingan Eyes grafted to the one arm, and the one hidden behind the bandages.

Danzo never realized his own Root Shinobi would be the ones to provide his enemies with key information.

"What...What did you do to me?" demanded Danzo before his body felt weak and on fire at the same time.

"This seal was made by Mito when Shao Kahn-sama told us about your Sharingan Eyes and my brother's cells in your body. I was merely toying with you in order to reduce the number of eyes you had so it would work faster when applying it. This seal attacks your body's internal systems, purging it of things like an antidote does a poison, but in this case the seal attacks the cellular structure of body, and anything unnatural in it. Since over forty percent of your body is unnatural, I can imagine you are in a lot of pain right now, and finding it difficult to move. Also, the seal on your chest to make you explode, and take your enemy down with you? That is also being neutralized due to it being an unnatural element on your body," explained Tobirama with Danzo clutching his heart and glaring at him while vision in his one eye with the Sharingan went dark.

"Damn you Tobirama-sensei. Damn you and your family to Hell!" exclaimed Danzo, as he looked at his arm, and saw all the eyes on it were closed while the arm itself became purplish with the colorization of it slowly spreading up to his shoulder.

The ability to use the Izanagi was lost.

"Your words are empty Danzo. Soon your conspirators Koharu and Homura will join you and Hiruzen in the very Hell you wish to damn me to when I die again. If I die at all. The Root Shinobi you have in Konoha will also be joining you so die knowing that your time in Hell will not be one filled with loneliness," replied Tobirama with Danzo now letting out a silent scream while his body started to melt halfway, deforming in the process, and the strain of it killing the man slowly.

Tobirama just started the dying man right in the eyes without pity or sadness in his own while Danzo became just another corpse with his soul going to the Shinigami.

(Mito and Tsunade)

"I should have disciplined you years ago when you were just a brat! But your Grandfather would never allow it. He loved and spoiled you too much!" exclaimed Mito, as she kept landing punch after punch, and kick after kick upon Tsunade who had the fighting style of a brawler.

The woman never refined her Taijutsu because she thought there was no point when one punch with her Super Strength was all it took to hurt someone. Sadly, Tsunade's decision had been the decisive reason for her being beaten so badly by Mito. Mito was not only a great Seal Master of her time, being an Uzumaki of course, but her own skills in Taijutsu made Maito Gai look like a green fresh Genin straight out of the Academy. With every blow Mito landed, Tsunade felt a bone break, an organ rupture, internal bleeding, and many other horrible painful things one can inflict on the human body.

"Mito please stop. I'm your child's child. This is cruel," protested Tsunade, as she loved Mito, and her Grandfather dearly when growing up.

Sure she was walking a path they didn't approve, but wasn't her own personal desires in life more important then what they wanted after they died.

"So what if you are? Naruto was from the Uzumaki Clan. Same as you on MY side of the family. Yet you scorned him. Betrayed him! And for what? Because he was a Jinchuriki? Because his parents asked you too? Kushina was one before him. Minato also became a Jinchuriki too when he took half of Kurama into his body and then fled with his wife and daughter that night. You hated Naruto from the moment you met him to long after he came back as something else. You talk about being cruel to you Tsunade, but what is true cruelty? You betrayed your Grandfather, the Senju Clan, the Uzumaki Clan, Naruto, your former lover Dan, your own brother, and above all things if that was enough...ME! You betrayed all of us for power, to reverse your age in order to keep yourself young, and conquest in this pointless war you started in the insane belief the Gods above were siding with you. THAT is cruelty Tsunade," stated Mito before striking her Granddaughter hard in the face.

"It was for the good of Konoha. Everyone I betrayed was just excess baggage. What did any of them bring to the table? To Konoha? Nothing! They were useless. Nawaki was too naive. So was Dan. It was better for them to die instead of living in the world Konoha was going to form. As for betraying you and Grandfather, you were both dead, and I was never one to believe in following dead people," replied Tsunade before she was picked up off the ground by Mito and looking into the eyes of the angry Uzumaki woman.

"I'm very much alive now Tsunade. Which is more then I can say for you in the next few seconds," remarked Mito before punching her fist through Tsunade's chest where the woman's heart was and ripped it out.

"Mito-Baa...," gasped Tsunade before life left her eyes while staring at Mito holding the bloody organ in her hand.

"You are not my Granddaughter. Goodbye Tsunade. Be glad I say that much to you," remarked Mito before leaving the dead woman on the ground.

(With Shao Kahn)

"Hello Sasuke. Did you miss me?" asked Shao Kahn while heading up the long line of steps leading to the top of the Hokage Monument.

"Like I would miss a loser like you," commented Sasuke in the hopes of making Shao Kahn angry.

"A loser like me? And how exactly loser Sasuke? How am I a loser when I helped make all of this possible?" questioned Shao Kahn while motioning with his hand the violent fighting below them.

"You just are a loser. It doesn't matter what you've done or what you've accomplished. In my eyes, you will always be a loser. A piece of trash that should have been thrown away. My opinion is all that matters. I am an Uchiha Elite after all and the word of an Uchiha has always been absolute," Sasuke said arrogantly.

"Says the only remaining Uchiha in existence," remarked Shao Kahn with Sasuke's sense of superiority getting somewhat deflated.

"I know it was you who killed Itachi. You were one responsible for robbing me of my what was my right to avenge my clan," said Sasuke in a way that was meant to intimidate his foe like and reveal he knew the secret.

"Of course you know fool. I asked Gaara to find and tell you that. What? You think I was going to make it some big secret? That I would keep it from you? Don't make me laugh Sasuke," countered Shao Kahn with grin on his face.

"Once I kill you, I'll take everything you have in life. I will remove your clan from the pages of history and make mine the greatest in the world," declared Sasuke with Shao Kahn smirking.

"Such big talk for someone who ran away from his big bad brother when the rest of the Uchiha Clan was being destroyed," taunted Shao Kahn with Sasuke looking infuriated with his Sharingan Eyes now showing.

"At least my family loved me," Sasuke shot back with Shao Kahn scowled now with his smoldering crimson eyes before they shifted into the Rinnegan.

"And you think yours did Sasuke? The only reason they would ever loved you, if you can even call it that in your clan, is only because you had a chance to awaken your Sharingan, and you did. But ask yourself this Sasuke...what if you never unlocked your Sharingan? Would you still be loved? Would you still be called an Uchiha? All those of your clan who don't awaken their eyes are considered second class citizens at best and inferior at worse," replied Shao Kahn with Sasuke's eyes narrowing.

"It doesn't matter. I have the Sharingan and that's all that matters. Soon Sakura and every other bitch in Konoha will give me an army of children whether they want to or not," remarked Sasuke before drawing his sword and rushing at Shao Kahn to run him through.

Only for Shao Kahn to raise his free hand at the Uchiha.

"Shinra Tensei!" exclaimed Shao Kahn with Sasuke being thrown back violently against the cliff wall and left a full body indentation.

"What...What was that?" demanded Sasuke despite his body being in pain, as he never felt anything like that before today, and forced his body out of the cliff wall.

"That was the power...of the Rinnegan. The supreme Dojutsu above all others. Including your pathetic Sharingan Eyes," answered Shao Kahn with Sasuke looking angrier then ever.

"You dare insult the Sharingan!" exclaimed Sasuke before forming the Rakiri in his hand.

"Sasuke, I would not only insult your Sharingan, I would insult you, your clan, and your very manhood everyday for the rest of my life. If it wasn't so easy that I would get bored after first day that is, And as for Sakura one day carrying your child? Let's just say I have already taken care of her," remarked Shao Kahn with Sasuke shocked at hearing this.

(Flashback-Before the Invasion)

"Suigetsu. Karin. I have an assignment for both of you," remarked Shao Kahn as he was staring at the walls of Konoha.

"What do you want me to do Boss?" asked Suigetsu with his massive sword that once belonged to Zabuza on his shoulders.

"What do you need my Lord?" asked Karin politely while shooting Suigetsu a small glare at the disrespect she felt he gave to Shao Kahn.

"There is an orphanage to the East of the Hokage Tower. It was where Uzumaki Naruto was raised for the first eight years of his life. A place where he was hated, scorned, and abused by those that ran the place as well as the other children in it in exchange for extra 'privileges' for doing a good job in hurting him. That is your destination Suigetsu. Take Guren with you," said Shao Kahn with Suigetsu adjusting his sword with a grin on his face.

"I see. And how badly do you want this place messed up on a scale of 1 to 10? With the 1 being restraint in killing only a select few and 10 being total annihilation of everyone inside?" asked Suigetsu while Shao Kahn glanced at the man with a knowing look that made the swordsman nervous for a second.

"I see. 10 it is," mumbled Suigetsu.

"And my orders my Lord?" asked Karin with Shao Kahn turning to face her and hand the woman a picture.

"This is your target. Find her during the fighting. Use your sensory powers and look for the target in the village. Once you do, find out something about her, and regardless of the answer...end the bitch," Shao Kahn ordered coldly.

"And what exactly am I looking for in regards to the target Shao Kahn-sama?" asked Karin curiously before he told her.

There was silence for a moment before Suigetsu whistled.

"Damn! And here I thought I was cruel," whispered Suigetsu before Shao Kahn's eyes were on him and he looked away.

"The Uchiha bloodline dies today. No exceptions! Kill the target and head to the hospital for all records regarding Uchiha Sasuke. Focus on any woman that may have attempted to have his seed placed in them by Senju Tsunade. Make a lot of Shadow Clones when looking over his file Karin. It will be a very long list," said Shao Kahn while Karin just nodded.

"I understand my Lord," replied Karin respectfully.

"One more thing for you Suigetsu. I almost forgot, but there is a ramen stand to South of the orphanage. Its small, but not unrecognizable. Its a family run and owned shops. They sold Uzumaki Naruto poisoned and drug filled ramen meant to weaken if not kill him," said Shao Kahn with Suigetsu nodding.

"Got it. How do you want them to die? Quick and painless? Or...the other way that's not so quick and painless?" asked Suigetsu before Shao Kahn gave him another cold look with narrowed angry eyes that made the swordsman gulp nervously once more.

"Right. Dumb question to ask. Sorry Boss. The other way it is. Why am I not surprised?" whispered Suigetsu to himself before Shao Kahn turned his attention to the village walls in front of him.

(Flashback Ends)

"DIE!" yelled Sasuke with the clear intention of killing Shao Kahn as he charged toward him.

Only for the much bigger man to catch the limb covered in lightning easily, not affected by it in the slightest, and broke the Uchiha's arm with ease. Sasuke scream out in pain, his arm soon bent at an awkward angle, as he was lifted off the ground, and slammed into the cliff side multiple timed before slamming the man head first into the stone steps. With the Uchiha down for the count, Shao Kahn simply put his massive foot right on his former teammate's skull, and put it there for a moment.

"You first Uchiha," remarked Shao Kahn before he crushed the man's skull like a grape from the amount of pressure put on it.

With that minor annoyance done and over with, Shao Kahn walked up the steps to his intended destination.

To meet his Mother for the first time since he had returned to this realm.

Origins of the Fallen Emperor by VFSNAKE - Chapter 12 - Eclectic_Operator - Mortal Kombat (2024)


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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.